Because who said Cinderella couldn't code?
From childhood, girls hear fairytales about how certain things are not for girls. For example, those in which coding, programming or engineering are not for them. It’s high time to place such fairytales between fairytales and rewrite them, or… update them.
most female programmers leave the profession while still in kindergarten....
Gender stereotypes cause female programmers to leave the profession as early as kindergarten! Girls will not become the new Ada Lovelace in the future if they are raised to be Cinderellas, Rapunzels, or Snow Whites. Studies show that already 6-year-old girls think they are not as smart as boys.

We knew that to make a difference, we had to go to the roots of the problem. We decided to put such fairy tales between fairy tales. Combining the forces of Intel, the IT Girls Foundation and activist Janina Bąk, we updated classic fairytales so that their heroines, with the help of new technologies and their own intelligence, could deal with adversity on their own. We showed that princesses can also code, build robots. And that they don’t always dream of going to the costume ball. Sometimes they dream of studying at a technical university.

what we did
Together with Intel employees, we updated the fairytales and made them available to preschoolers in book and audiobook form. We put lesson plans and educational materials about new technologies into the hands of their teachers and parents, and offered them dedicated workshops led by the IT Girls Foundation and female engineers from Intel.

"You can't be what you can't see"

The campaign has spread among preschoolers, their parents and teachers.
kindergartens signed up for the workshops
children read or heard "Fairytales Updated"
total media and social media reach of the campaign