do you know why we love Mondays?
“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” – Confucius. “Choose a job you love, among people who inspire you and you will love Mondays” – monday.
We like Mondays because we like our customers and their brands. Because we like the projects and campaigns we run. But mostly, because we love each other as a team and really want to push the limits of our abilities together.

communication is our passion,
but it is one of many
90% of our team are animal lovers: the largest group is dog lovers, although we also like cats. Music – all sorts: from classical through to jazz to funk to rap. We even have a Zenek Martyniuk-style master singer. Books: from Harari and Houellebecq to Mróz. Half of us are gamers – you can recognize them by their “never stop gaming” sweatshirts. Among us, there are fans of muay thai, yoga and synchronized swimming. Some of us even enjoy winter swimming. Is work our passion? We definitely have passion at work.